Thursday, March 31, 2011

Week Of 3-28-11

This week our theme was ‘Pets’.  (We had another short week due to Inservice).  We discussed how to take care of our pets and on Monday the children made a dog and painted a fish.  On Tuesday and Wednesday our classes took a field trip to the Medford Veterinarian Clinic.  We also made a pattern snake and learned about how our pets grow.  Our letter for the week was Uu and we reviewed the number 5.

Next week our theme will be the ‘Zoo’.  We will be learning about a variety of zoo animals and the children will be making a giraffe, monkey and a zebra.  The children will also create a classroom book about what animals they might see at the zoo.  We will work on putting the numbers in order 1-10 and will use our sense of hearing to play an animals sounds game.  Our letter of the week will be Zz and we will review the numbers 6 & 7. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Week of 3-21-11

This week our theme was ‘Spring & Seeds’.  We began to learn about spring with the children making tissue paper flowers and learning how plants grow.  We also used finger paint to create spring flowers and use foam paint to make a dark rain cloud.  The children reviewed rhyme by creating a page for our classroom book called ‘Rhyme Time’.  Our letter for the week was Uu and we reviewed the numbers 3 & 4.  There is no Pre-K class on Thursday due to Child Development Days.

Next week our theme will be ‘Pets’.  (We have another short week due to Inservice).  We will discuss how to take care of our pets and what kinds of animals people keep as pets.  On Monday the children will be making a dog and painting a fish.  On Tuesday and Wednesday our classes will be taking a field trip to the Medford Veterinarian Clinic.  When we return we will make a pattern snake and learning how our pets grow.  Our letter for the week will be Uu and we will review the number 5.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Week Of 3-14-11

This week our theme was ‘St. Patrick’s Day’.  The children made leprechauns, pots of gold & rainbows.  We also worked on number identification, same vs. different, rhyming and name printing.  Our letter for the week was Qq and our color was green.

Next week our theme will be ‘Spring & Seeds’.  We will begin to learn about spring with the children making tissue paper flowers and learning how a plant grows.  We will also use finger paint to create spring flowers and use foam paint to make a dark rain cloud.  The children will review rhyme by creating a page for our classroom book called ‘Rhyme Time’.  Our letter for the week will be Uu.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Week Of 3-7-11

This week our theme was ‘Nighttime’.  We talked about animals that are awake at night (nocturnal animals) and things that happen at night.  The children made a rocket, an owl and a classroom book about nighttime activities.  On Wednesday OR Thursday we had a pajama day.  We had popcorn and pretended to have a sleep over with our friends while we enjoyed the movie Monsters Inc.  Our letter for the week was Kk.

Next week our theme will be ‘St. Patrick’s Day’.  The children will be making leprechauns, pots of gold & rainbows.  We will also work on number identification, same vs. different, rhyming and name printing.  Our letter for the week will be Qq and our color will be green.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Week Of 2-28-11

This week our theme was Dr. Seuss & Rhyming.  We continued to work with rhyming words as we read some Dr. Seuss books.  The children made the cat in the hat, painted a one-fish two-fish fish bowl, made the cat in the hat hats and played a variety of rhyming games.  Our letter for the week was Rr.  Next week our theme will be Nighttime and our letter will be Kk.