Tuesday, April 30, 2013


This week our theme was ‘Oceans’.  We made a starfish, ocean photo album, giant fish book and a classroom book about our favorite ocean animal.  We continued to work on fine motor skills as the children used beads to create their very own bracelet.  We also reviewed letters and numbers as we complete our final rounds of testing for the year.

Next week our theme will be ‘Oceans & Mother’s Day’.  We will make a scuba diver & jellyfish.  We will continue to work at finishing up our testing before the end of the school year.  We will also spend some time talking about what makes our mom’s so great!  Be watching for a special surprise to come home at the end of the week!

 Reminders & Updates:                                    
       *Early Release: Thursday, May 16th
*Farm Field Trip: May 15th & 16th - WEAR OLD CLOTHES & SHOES!
*Our last FBI event will be a petting zoo at MAES on Friday,
May 17th.
*Transition to Kindergarten: We will visit the kindergarten rooms
on May 20th & 21st.  The children will get to see the room, meet
kindergarten kids and ask questions.
*Look for more information coming soon about upcoming field
*No school: Monday, May 27th.
*Last day of Pre-K: Tuesday, June 4th OR Wednesday, June 5th

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


This week our theme was the ‘Zoo’.  We learned about a variety of zoo animals and the children made a giraffe, monkey and a zebra.  The children also created a classroom book about what animals they might see at the zoo.  We worked on putting the numbers in order 1-10 and we used our sense of hearing to play an animal sounds game. We reviewed the number 10 and our letter for the week was Zz.

Next week our theme will be ‘Transportation’.  We will work on classification, sorting, identifying the letters in our name, colors, graphing and rhyming.  The children will be finding and cutting letters out of magazines in order to make their names.  They will also create a cargo train and use their sense of hearing to play transportation BINGO.  The children will also make a traffic light and learn what each colored light means.  We will even sort transportation pictures, placing them on a graph and discussing the results.  Our letter for the week will be Uu; which completes our study of the alphabet.  On Wednesday & Thursday of this week I will be taking the children to the Taylor County Highway Department to explore the various forms of transportation they have available there.  (Remember to wear old jackets & clothes so you can climb around and have fun)!

 Reminders & Updates:                                    
*Spring Picture Day: Wed., April 24th
*Early Release Day: Thursday, May 16th
*No School: Monday, May 27th  

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Click here to view a quick slide show of our vet clinic field trip!

This week our theme was ‘Pets’.  We discussed how to take care of our pets and on Wednesday & Thursday our classes took a field trip to the Medford Veterinarian Clinic.  We also made a fish, a pattern snake and learned about how pets change and grow.  Our letter for the week was Pp and we reviewed the number 10.

Next week our theme will be the ‘Zoo’.  We will be learning about a variety of zoo animals and the children will be making a giraffe, monkey, tiger and a zebra.  The children will also create a classroom book about what animals they might see at the zoo.  We will work on putting the numbers 1-10 in order and will use our sense of hearing to play an animal sounds game.  Our letter for the week will be Zz.  

 Reminders & Updates:                                    
*Week of the Young Child:  April 15th – 21st
*Transportation Field Trip: April 24th & 25th- Your child should wear old clothes to school, as we will be exploring the machinery at the Taylor County Highway Department.
*Spring Picture Day: Wed., April 24th
*Early Release Day: Thursday, May 16th

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Week of the Young Child Events

April 15th-20th

Preschool Registration at MAES, SES, Head Start, Holy Rosary, and Little Lambs

Dress Up Days
April 15 - Pajamas Day
April 16 - Sports Day
April 17 - Crazy Hair Day
April 18 - Beach Day
April 19 - Inside Out Day

Hairy and Company
April 17 and 18
9:30 am

Beach Party Potluck Dinner and Dance (Pre-Kindergarten only)
April 18
Potluck Dinner: 5:00 to 5:30 pm
Beach Dance: 5:30 pm to 6:00 pm
MAES - Bring a Beach Blanket to sit on!

Day at the Movies! Featuring The Croods
Broadway Theatre
Saturday April 20
11:00 am 
$5 per person and 1/2 off soda/popcorn

Friday, April 5, 2013

Spring Flowers & Seeds

This week our theme was ‘Spring Flowers & Seeds’.  We continued to learn about spring with the children making tissue paper flowers and using finger paint to create spring flowers.  Due to the short week we did not learn about a letter but did review the number 7. 
Next week our theme will be ‘Pets’.  We will discuss what types of things people need to do in order to take care of their pet.  We will be making a snake and painting a fish while we learn about the various pets people keep.  We will also journal about pets, learn about how animals grow and take a field trip to the Medford Veterinarian Clinic.  Our letter for the week will be Pp and we will review the numbers 8 & 9.

 Reminders & Updates:                                    
       *Book Orders: Due by April 9th.
*Week of the Young Child: Activities and dress up days start April 15th.
*Spring Weather: Feel free to have your child wear water boots rather then winter boots as the snow continues to melt and the temperatures rise.  Your child should continue to bring snow pants, hats and mittens until the snow has completed melted away.  To ensure your child does not have to wear wet mittens please remember to send extra pairs!