Friday, September 25, 2015

Five Senses

This week our theme was the “Five Senses”. The children learned about each of the five senses and our week included a “Five Senses Nature Hike” through the woods behind SES!  (Check out our pictures by clicking on the tab at the top of the page).  We also continued to review shapes, colors and cutting on a line.  Our letter for the week was Yy.  

Next week our theme will be “Fall & Leaves’.  The children will be making a watercolor leaf, acorn, leaf booklet, fall trees and a pumpkin book.  The children will also bring home a fall memory game, which they can make & play with you!  We will even make a page for our first classroom book called Having Fun In Fall.  We will continue to work on shapes, colors, matching and counting.  Our letter for the week will be Ll.

Reminders & Updates:                        
*Fluoride Varnishes: Varnishes will take place on Oct. 7th & 8th if you have signed your child up to have them done.
*Child Development Days: There are no Pre-K classes on Wednesday, Oct. 14th due to Child Development Days, please plan accordingly.
*PALS Testing: State testing will be administered on Oct. 12th & 13th, please make every effort to have your child in school to complete this literacy based testing.  For more information on this test visit:
*Parent/Teacher Conferences: Thurs. Oct. 15th.  In order to have time to meet with each family conferences will be 10 minutes long.  Please plan to be on time, children need not attend.
*No School: Friday, Oct. 16th

*Halloween Party: Wed., Oct. 28th OR Thurs., Oct. 29th (more info. will be sent home soon).

Friday, September 18, 2015


This week our theme was “Apples”.  The children created mosaic apples out of paper squares and painted an apple core!  We also worked on matching, colors, graphing, shapes and cutting on a line.  Our letter for the week was Aa.  Please take time each week to review our letter and discuss items that begin with that letter sound.

Next week our theme will be “Five Senses”.  The children will learn about each of the five senses and our week will include a Five Senses Nature Hike through the woods behind SES (weather permitting).  We will continue to review shapes, colors, name printing and cutting.  Our letter for the week will be Yy.

 Reminders & Updates:       
*Library: Please be sure to return your child’s book to school so that they are able to bring a new book home!  We have library class on Mon/Tues and can also check out a new book on Wed/Thurs.
*Child Development Days: There are no Pre-K classes on Wednesday, Oct. 14th due to Child Development Days, please plan accordingly.
*Parent/Teacher Conferences: Thurs. Oct. 15th
*Halloween Party: Wed., Oct. 28th OR Thurs., Oct. 29th (more info. will follow as we get closer to the date).
*SES Pre-K Christmas Programs: Mon, Dec. 21st OR Tues. Dec. 22nd.  Programs will be held in the library and will begin at 9:30.  You are welcome to take your child home after the program.  This is a very special and important day for your child so please make plans for someone to attend.

Early Education Reading Reward Books:  Each month your child will be given a book to keep.  We know how important it is to read to children and we want to help build your home libraries.  These books will have a white sticker on the back indicating that it is an Early Education Reward Book.

Friday, September 11, 2015


This week our theme was “Shapes”.  We will be working on shapes throughout the school year and this week helped to kick things off!  The children matched shapes, sorted shapes, built a shape house, created a noodle shape and sang/danced to the shape hokey-pokey! 

Next week our theme will be “Apples”.  The children will be creating mosaic apples out of paper squares & painting an apple core. We will also work on matching, colors, shapes & journaling.  Wow, we are going to be busy!  Our letter for the week will be Aa.  Please take time each week to review our letter and discuss items that begin with the letter sounds at home.

 Reminders & Updates:   
*Homework: Anything that you find in your child’s backpack that is incomplete can be considered “homework”.  Your child is not graded on this work however taking time to complete it with them does help to reinforce the skills we are learning at school.
       *Early Release Day: Wednesday, Sept. 16th.  Please send a note
if your child needs to go somewhere other than their normal
destination.  Dismissal is at 1:20 on early release days.
*Picture Day: Sept 22nd OR Sept. 23rd  
*Clothing: When dressing your child for school please be sure they
 are able to run and play in their clothing and footwear.  We
want the children to be able to have fun rather than worry about
getting their clothes dirty! J
*Child Development Days: Wednesday, Oct. 14th (no school for pre-k)
*Parent Teacher Conferences: Thursday, Oct. 15th (no school)
*Pre-K Christmas Program: Monday, Dec. 21st & Tuesday, Dec. 22nd
from 9:30-10:00.  Children are able to go home after the program

on this special day.