Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Vacation

Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
I hope everyone enjoyed our Christmas programs and the gifts the children made for you!
Happy Holidays from Mrs. Amanda, Santa & Mrs. Claus!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Week of December 12th

This week our theme was ‘Christmas’.  The children made reindeer, Christmas lights and worked on some special projects in preparation for your visit on the 21st/22nd!  We also continued to work on counting, number identification and singing Christmas songs!  Our letter for the week was Ii.
Please remember that I do my best to update my classroom blog weekly!  You can view our classroom news letter, see pictures of your child, view projects we’ve made, check out photos from some of our FBI events, find on-line games for your child to play and check your child’s report card with the Family Access Log-in link!

Next week our theme will continue be ‘Christmas’.  We will start the week by playing Christmas games and lacing a candy cane.  Then on Wed. & Thurs. each class will have a Christmas party (please be sure your child has brought a gift so they can participate in the gift exchange).  Following that our Christmas program will be held in the library at 9:30.  (The children are REALLY excited and looking forward to your visit.  Thank you for helping us make this a special day)!  After the program you are invited back to the classroom for cookies, punch and a surprise!  You are welcome to take your child home at any time following the program. 
For those of you planning to:
 Take your child home: you will NOT need to send snow pants or boots as we won’t have time to go outside. 
Have your child stay at school: you will need to send snow pants and boots, as we will continue with our regular schedule for the remainder of the day and watch a movie.
*All children will need backpacks on the day of the program.
 Reminders & Updates:                                    
*Christmas Vacation:  No school Dec. 23rd-Jan. 2nd.  (When the 
children return our theme will be “Snowmen & Snow”and our letter 
will be Ss).
*Remember to send 3 pair of warm winter mittens to school so your child has warm, dry hands for each recess.  (Finger mittens are not warm enough).

Monday, December 5, 2011

Week of December 5th

This week our theme was ‘Christmas Trees & Cookies’.  The children made a shape-cookie book, finger-painted a Christmas wreath and created a gingerbread man.  We also worked on counting, 1-to-1 correspondence and we practiced our Christmas songs!  We had our vision screen on Mon/Tues and our letter for the week was Cc.  We also and about the number 10 and will be reviewing the numbers again shortly. 

Next week our theme will be ‘Christmas’.  The children will be working on a variety of Christmas projects this week…most of them are a secret so you will just have to wait and see what we’re up to!  I can mention that we will be making reindeer and Christmas lights.  We will also continue to work on counting, number identification and singing Christmas songs!  Our letter for the week will be Ii.

 Reminders & Updates:                                    
*Gift Exchange:  Your child should bring a $5.00 gift before our party on Dec. 21st/22nd.  Feel free to send your gifts in at any time so we can place them under our tree! 
*Christmas Programs: Held in the library at 9:30 on Dec. 21st or Dec. 22nd.  This is a very important day for your child so please make every effort to attend.  You are invited to our classroom after the program for cookies and punch and can take your child home with you at any time.
*Your child SHOULD bring their backpack on the date of the x-mas program but will NOT need snow pants or boots, as we will not be going outside.
*Christmas Vacation:  No school Dec. 23rd-Jan. 2nd.
*I would also like to take this opportunity to inform those of you that don’t already know, my due date is March 10th & I am having a baby boy.  Kris Zuleger has agreed to be my sub and will be in to meet the children as the date approaches.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Week of November 28th

This week our theme was ‘Winter Clothing’.  The children brought home a mitten memory game to play with their families.  We also used our winter clothing to work on sorting, matching, classifying, graphing, colors and counting!  Our letter for the week was Ww and we learned about the numbers 8 & 9. 

Next week our theme will be ‘Christmas Trees & Cookies’.  The children will make a shape-cookie book, finger-paint a Christmas wreath and create a gingerbread man.  We will also work on counting, 1-to-1 correspondence (touching each object as you count it) and practicing our Christmas songs!  Our letter for the week will be Cc and we will learn about the number 10.

 Reminders & Updates:                                    
*Gift Exchange:  In order to participate in our gift exchange your child needs to bring a $5.00 gift before our party on Dec. 21st/22nd.  Girls should bring a ‘girl gift’ & boys should bring a ‘boy gift’. 
*Christmas Programs: Held in the library at 9:30 on Dec. 21st or Dec. 22nd.  Please return the permission slip so you don’t need to sign your child out when taking them home after the program. 
*Your child SHOULD bring their backpack on the date of the x-mas program but will NOT need snow pants or boots, as we will not be going outside.
*Christmas Vacation:  No school Dec. 23rd-Jan. 2nd.
*When dropping your child off in the morning please remember to let them bring their things in and put them away on their own.  A large part of pre-k is building independence and self help skills.
*Cute Pictures: Many of the children still do not have a picture to use for our project.  Please remember to send one ASAP.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


This week our theme was “Thanksgiving”.  The children made goofy turkeys, a turkey book and finger painted a pumpkin.  We also worked on position words, name printing and played a game to help us review the colors & letters we’ve already learned.  We learned about the numbers 5 & 6 and our letter for the week was Tt. 

Next week our theme will continue to be “Thanksgiving”.  We will enjoy a special Thanksgiving snack, play games and use our ‘Cute Pictures’ from home for a special project!  (This is a short week so I won’t be sending another classroom newsletter home next week).  When class resumes after Thanksgiving break our theme will be Winter Clothes, we will learn the numbers 8 & 9 and our letter will be Ww.

 Reminders & Updates:                                
*Send a cute 4x6 picture of your child any time before Nov. 22nd or 23rd.  Please remember that it needs to be taken “the short way” for our project.
*Thanksgiving Vacation: No School Nov. 23rd-25th.
*Pre-K Christmas Program: Wed, Dec. 21st OR Tues, Dec. 22nd
at 9:30 in the Library, you may take your child home with you after their program.
*Remember that books make a wonderful Christmas gift.  If you decide to order from our next Scholastic book order please make a note if your order is a gift and I can place it in a bag so your child can not see it.
*We play outside three times each day.  Please send warm winter mittens (NOT finger mittens) to ensure your child stays warm and has fun!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Week of November 7th

This week our theme was “Thanksgiving & Scarecrows”.  The children made turkeys, Thanksgiving placemats & scarecrows.  We talked about what we are thankful for and also worked on name printing, number identification, counting, colors and patterns.  We learned about the numbers 3 & 4 and our letter for the week was Hh.

Next week our theme will be “Thanksgiving”.  The children will be making goofy turkeys and finger painting a pumpkin.  We will also work on position words, colors, name printing and we’ll play a game to help us review the letters we’ve already learned.  We will learn the numbers 5 & 6 and our letter for the week will be Tt.

 Reminders & Updates:                                    
*If you still have not completed your family’s turkey feather please take time to do so and return it to school so it can be added to our classroom turkey.
*Send a cute 4x6 picture of your child any time before Nov. 21st or 22nd.  The picture should be in the landscape format (side-ways).
*Thanksgiving Vacation: No School Nov. 23rd- 25th.
*Please make sure you are sending your child to school with hats, mittens and warm coats.  Remember that we play outside three times a day.
*It’s great to see all of the kids that know the letter & numbers we’ll be working on for the week.  All of your extra work at home is really paying off!  A special thanks to all of you that take the time to work with your child and complete the homework each week!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Week of Oct. 17th

For the next two weeks our theme will be “Halloween”.  (Due to the short week and Halloween parties I will not be sending a classroom newsletter home next week). During the next 2 weeks we will make/have made jack-o-lantern windsocks, ghost feet, glitter bats, a painting with cookie cutters & spider hands.  We will continue to work on name printing, matching, cutting and counting. Our letter for this week was Jj!
On Tues. & Wed. of next week we will have our Halloween Party!  The children will make spider hats, help me scoop out and carve a pumpkin, play games and trick-or-treat in the classroom!
During the first week in November our theme will be “Hibernation & Migration”.  The children will be making raccoons and Canadian geese.  We will learn what hibernation & migration means and decide which animals sleep/fly away for the winter.  The children will begin to learn about numbers starting with 1 & 2 and our letter for the week will be Mm. 

 Reminders & Updates:                                    
*Halloween party: Oct. 25th or 26th.  Please remember that all treats must be wrapped (we will not have time to eat everything), you child should be able to put their costume on over their clothes (by themselves) and no weapons or face paint are allowed.
*No School: Thursday, Oct. 27th & Friday, Oct. 28th.
*Book Fair: Held in the SES library from Oct. 31st to Nov. 7th.
*FBI Bowling Event: Permission slips due by Nov. 2nd Or 3rd.
*Early Release: Tuesday, Nov. 8th.  Please be sure to send a note if your child needs to go somewhere other then their normal drop off point.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Classroom News: Week of Oct. 10th

 This week our theme was “Fall & Leaves”.  We learned about the letter Ll, made a leaf book, used watercolor paints to make a leaf and painted an acorn.  The children also made fall trees, a pumpkin booklet and created a page for our first classroom book about Having Fun In Fall.  The children are also bringing a fall memory game home, which they can cut out and play with you over the weekend!

Next week our theme will be “Halloween”.  There is no school on Monday due to parent teacher conferences.  (The children that miss school on Monday will be catching up on the work they miss during Monday of the following week).  This week we will be making a jack-o-lantern windsock, ghost feet, glitter bats, a cookie cutter painting and spider hands!  We will continue to work on name printing, matching, shapes, following directions, cutting and counting.  Our letter for the week will be Jj.

 Reminders & Updates:                                    
       *P/T Conferences Oct 17th: Each conference is only 10 minutes
long; please remember you do not need to bring your child.
*Family Ghost Projects & Book Orders: Due Oct. 12th or 13th.
*If you have a pumpkin you would like to donate to our classroom please bring it in any time before our party.  
*Halloween Party: Oct. 25th OR 26th Your child can bring a costume to be put on over their clothing.  You can also send wrapped treats to be handed out when we go ‘trick-or-treating’ in our classroom!
*No School: Oct. 27th & 28th

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Week of October 3rd

Classroom News

This week our theme was “Fire Safety”.  We made a fire safety book, painted a Dalmatian, made a fire scene and made firemen hats.  The Stetsonville Fire Chief also came to visit us and talked to the children about the tools firemen use and what to do in an emergency.  We got to see the fire engine and learned how to STOP, DROP & ROLL!  Our letter for the week was Ff. 

Next week our theme will be “Fall & Leaves’.  The children will be making a watercolor leaf, acorn, leaf booklet, fall trees and a pumpkin book.  The children will also bring home a fall memory game, which they can make & play with you!  We will even make a page for our first classroom book called Having Fun In Fall.  We will continue to work on shapes, colors, matching and counting.  Our letter for the week will be Ll.

 Reminders & Updates:                                
*P/T Conferences: Oct 17th -please return your confirmation slip ASAP!  Each conference is only 10 minutes long; please remember to be on time.
*Family Ghost Projects & Book Orders: Due Oct. 12th or 13th.
*If you have a pumpkin you would like to donate to our classroom please bring it in any time before our party.  (More information will be sent home regarding the party next week).
*Pumpkin Carving FBI Event: permission slips due Oct. 10th or 11th
*Reward Books: Around the end of each month your child will receive a free book from the pre-K department.  These books have white stickers on the back indicating that they are a reading reward.  Please take the time to read this book with your child, it is yours to keep!
*No School: Oct. 27th & 28th
*View our photos from this week under the tab at the top called "Photos".             

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Week of September 26th

This week our theme was the “Five Senses”. The children learned about each of the five senses and our week included a ‘Five Senses Nature Hike’ through the woods behind SES!  (Be sure to check out the pictures from our hike under the Photos tab located at the top of the page).  We also continued to review shapes, colors and cutting on a line.  Our letter for the week was Yy. 

Next week our theme will be “Fire Safety”.  On Monday & Tuesday I will take the children to MASH for our first session of Science Buddies!  During the week we will also complete a fire safety book, paint a ‘fire dog’ (Dalmatian), create a fire scene and make firemen hats.  On Wednesday & Thursday the fire chief will visit us from the Stetsonville fire department.  The children will learn about the tools a firemen uses and what an emergency is.  They will learn how to stop, drop & roll and how to stay low in a smoke filled room.  Our letter for the week will be Ff.

Reminders & Updates:                          
*Parent/Teacher Conferences: Mon. Oct. 17th from 12:00-8:00.  Please return your confirmation slip ASAP!  Each conference is only 10 minutes long in order to meet with all 35 families.  Please remember to be on time and know that you do NOT need to bring you child.
*As our days grow colder you will need to send a jacket with your child each day.
*The CLC after school program is open to Pre-K students.
*No School: Thursday, Oct. 27th & Friday, Oct. 28th
* SES Pre-K Christmas Programs: Wed, Dec. 21st OR Thurs. Dec. 22nd.  Programs will be in the library and will begin at 9:30.  You are welcome to take your child home after the program.  
*Remember to was and return your child’s pillow and blanket for naptime.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Week of September 18th

This week our theme was “Apples”.  The children created mosaic apples out of paper squares and painted an apple core!  We also worked on matching, colors, graphing, shapes and sequencing.  Our letter for the week was Aa.  Please take time each week to review our letter and discuss items that begin with that letters sound. 


Next week our theme will be “Five Senses”.  The children will learn about each of the five senses and our week will include a ‘Five Senses Nature Hike’ through the woods behind SES (weather permitting).  We will continue to review shapes, colors and cutting on a line.  Our letter for the week will be Yy.  Remember that Thurs. Sept. 29th is an Early Release Day: please be sure to send a note if your child needs to go somewhere other then their normal drop off point for the day.

 Reminders & Updates:                               
*Library: Please be sure to return your book to school by Wednesday (Red Group) or Thursday (Blue Group) so that your child is able to bring a new book home!
*I will be taking the children to MASH on Oct. 3rd & 4th for our first session of Science Buddies with the high school students!
*Parent/Teacher Conferences: Mon. Oct. 17th from 12:00-8:00
*Halloween Party: Tues, Oct. 25th OR Wed, Oct. 26th (more info. will follow as we get closer to the date).
*No School: Thursday, Oct. 27th & Friday, Oct. 28th
* SES Pre-K Christmas Programs: Wed, Dec. 21st OR Thurs. Dec. 22nd.  Programs will be in the library and will begin at 9:30.  You are welcome to take your child home after the program.  
 *Don Everhard will present information on Safety this Thursday September 29  4:00 to 5:00.  Parents and community members are invited to attend.  We will also review Appropriate Use of Seclusion and Physical Restraint as part of this training.

Friday, September 16, 2011

For the week of Sept. 12th-15th

This week our theme was “Shapes”.  We work on shapes throughout the school year and this week helped to kick things off!  The children matched shapes, sorting colors and shapes, built a shape house, created a noodle shape and sang/danced to the shape hokey-pokey!  

Next week our theme will be “Apples”.  The children will be creating mosaic apples out of paper squares, painting an apple core and tasting apples!  We will also work on matching, colors, graphing, shapes and sequencing.  Wow, we are going to be busy!  Our letter for the week will be Aa.  Please take time each week to review our letter and discuss items that begin with that letters sound.

 Reminders & Updates:                                    
*Remember that there has been a change in the handwriting curriculum our district uses.  Please dispose of the D’Nelian sheets you received in your open house folders and refer to the Fundations sheet.
*Picture Day: Sept 20th OR Sept. 21st
       *Early Release Day: Thursday, Sept. 29th.  Please send a note if
your child needs to go somewhere other than their normal destination.
*SES Fun Night: starts at 5:30 on Friday, Sept. 16th.  Your entire family is welcome to attend!
*Book Orders: due Sept. 19th OR 20th
*Science Buddies:  This year I am piloting a new science program
with one of the high school teachers.  I will be taking the kids up
to the high school on Oct. 3rd OR 4th where the children will get
to work with high school students during their science class.
*Please remember to take time and sit down with your child to 
complete the unfinished homework you find in their backpacks each 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Classroom News Letter: Sept. 6-8

This week you found your first ‘family project’ in your child’s backpack.  Please have your entire family work to complete this Family Tree project and return it to school!
Our theme this week was “Welcome & Bus Safety”.  Both groups learned about the rules in school and on the bus.  We all took a school tour and worked to learn the daily routines of school.  We read the book The Kissing Hand and created a special project just for you.  We also began working on our cutting skills.
The Tues/Thurs. group enjoyed an extra day this week.  We talked about our selves and our families.  We even got to work in centers and play games.  (Some of these materials were sent home with the Mon/Wed group as well).

Next week our theme will be “Shapes”.  We will work on shapes throughout the school year and this week will help us kick things off.  The children will be matching shapes, sorting colors and shapes, building a shape house, creating a noodle shape and singing/dancing to the shape hokey-pokey!  (There will also be some activities sent home for you to work on during the days your child does not have school).
Reminders & Updates:                                    
  *Remember to place some money in your child’s lunch account.
*Classroom Books:  From time to time I will send a classroom book home with your child.  Please take time to read it with your child and then send it back to school the following day.
*Pre-K students may attend our after school CLC program.
*When dropping your child off or picking them up please use the entrances on the east side of the building and not the bus driveway.
*Family Tree Project due Sept. 14th (Red Group) OR 15th(Blue Group).
*When your child has a birthday or we celebrate a holiday it is fine to send wrapped treats to school.
*There has been a change in the handwriting curriculum our district uses.  Please dispose of the D’Nelian sheets you received in your open house folders and refer to the Fundations sheet instead.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Welcome To Mrs. Amanda's Class

I want to welcome everyone to my class this year whether you are in my class at SES or joining me through the RVA.  We are going to have a busy year with a lot of fun along the way!  Remember that there are no dumb questions so please feel free to contact me whenever you need to.  I will try my best to update my blog weekly so let me know what else you would like to see and I will work to include it.  Enjoy the last few weeks of summer vacation and I look forward to seeing you all very soon!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Destination Wisconsin

I have provided links to family friendly destinations around Wisconsin in my "RVA Families" page.  Just click on the tab located in the upper right corner and take a look at what Wisconsin has to offer.  If you have suggestions for other activities that I should add please let me know!  This list is in no way complete but does give you a lot of options...enjoy!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Summer Vacation

We will miss our friends over the summer and look forward to seeing them again next year!
I hope everyone has a fun and relaxing summer vacation.  Treasure your time together with your family...they grow up too fast!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Week of 5-31-11

Well this is it, our last classroom newsletter for the school year!  It has really gone by fast but I’ve truly enjoyed everyday I got to spend with your child.  I want to thank everyone for all the extra work they did at home.  I know we couldn’t have the consistence they we used to have with the half day model but you certainly helped make the full day model work!  You should be very proud of your child and all that they have accomplished this year!

We had another short week with no school on Monday.  On Tuesday I took the children on a bug hunt in the SES school forest behind the building.  Be sure to ask your child what kinds of bugs we found!  On Wednesday & Thursday we enjoyed our end of the year celebration by walking to the Medford Park where we got to play and eat a picnic lunch!

In the morning on the 6th & 7th we will take our trip to the school forest.  Please dress your child accordingly and remember to send a backpack to school with your child each day as we continue to clean up and send things home.  We will use our last day together to say goodbye, clean our classroom and have some fun!

 Reminders & Updates:                                       *School Forest:  We will take a trip to the School Forest on June6th & 7th.  Please dress your child for the woods that day includingsocks, tennis shoes, long pants, baseball caps, etc…  It would alsobe a good idea to spray your child with bug spray before school that day.  *Last Day of Class: June 8th OR 9th.  School will be dismissed 2 hours early on the 9th so please plan accordingly.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Week Of 5-23-11

This week our theme was ‘Butterflies & Caterpillars’.  The children made a patterned caterpillar, created a butterfly book, completed a butterfly’s life cycle and painted a butterfly.  We also went to visit the Kindergarten classrooms in preparation for next year.

Next week our theme will be ‘Bugs & Frogs’.  (Remember there is no school on Monday due to Memorial Day).  On Tuesday we will take a hike in the SES forest and go on a bug hunt (weather permitting) so please dress your child for a hike in the woods.  The children will be making a frog, a paint blot bug and playing a bug # matching game.  On Wednesday & Thursday we will have an ‘End of the Year’ celebration for all of the pre-k students at SES & MAES.  We will all meet at MAES and walk to the Medford City Park where the children will be able to play and enjoy a picnic lunch!  (Our cooks will pack the lunches at school).  

 Reminders & Updates:                                         
*SES aluminum can drive goes through the month of May.  Pre-K is currently in 3rd place.
*No School: Monday, May 30th- Memorial Day
*Library: Our last library class will be on June 1st & 2nd.  All materials must be turned in by this date.
*End of the Year Celebration: Please dress your child in tennis shoes for our walk to the Medford City Park on June 1st & 2nd.
*School Forest:  We will take a trip to the School Forest on June 6th & 7th.  Please dress your child for the woods that day including socks, tennis shoes, long pants, baseball caps, etc…  It would also be a good idea to spray your child with bug spray before school that day.
*Last Day of Class: June 8th OR 9th.  School will be dismissed 2 hours early on the 9th so please plan accordingly.