Friday, September 23, 2011

Week of September 18th

This week our theme was “Apples”.  The children created mosaic apples out of paper squares and painted an apple core!  We also worked on matching, colors, graphing, shapes and sequencing.  Our letter for the week was Aa.  Please take time each week to review our letter and discuss items that begin with that letters sound. 


Next week our theme will be “Five Senses”.  The children will learn about each of the five senses and our week will include a ‘Five Senses Nature Hike’ through the woods behind SES (weather permitting).  We will continue to review shapes, colors and cutting on a line.  Our letter for the week will be Yy.  Remember that Thurs. Sept. 29th is an Early Release Day: please be sure to send a note if your child needs to go somewhere other then their normal drop off point for the day.

 Reminders & Updates:                               
*Library: Please be sure to return your book to school by Wednesday (Red Group) or Thursday (Blue Group) so that your child is able to bring a new book home!
*I will be taking the children to MASH on Oct. 3rd & 4th for our first session of Science Buddies with the high school students!
*Parent/Teacher Conferences: Mon. Oct. 17th from 12:00-8:00
*Halloween Party: Tues, Oct. 25th OR Wed, Oct. 26th (more info. will follow as we get closer to the date).
*No School: Thursday, Oct. 27th & Friday, Oct. 28th
* SES Pre-K Christmas Programs: Wed, Dec. 21st OR Thurs. Dec. 22nd.  Programs will be in the library and will begin at 9:30.  You are welcome to take your child home after the program.  
 *Don Everhard will present information on Safety this Thursday September 29  4:00 to 5:00.  Parents and community members are invited to attend.  We will also review Appropriate Use of Seclusion and Physical Restraint as part of this training.

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