Wednesday, April 27, 2016


This week our theme continued to be “Oceans”.  We made a starfish, ocean photo album, giant fish book and a classroom book about our favorite ocean animals.  We continued to work on fine motor skills, number identification, sorting, name printing and rhyming.  We completed PALS (state) testing on Monday & Tuesday.  On Wednesday and Thursday we had a special visit from office Chad Liske as we learned a bit about community helps and the role of a police officer.  Be sure to check out our photos from his visit at the top of the page under the link "Police Officer Visit".
Next week our theme will be “Transportation & Mother’s Day”.  The children will make a traffic light and learn what each colored light means.  They will sort transportation pictures, place them on a graph and discuss the results.  We will create a helicopter, cargo train and use our sense of hearing to play transportation BINGO as we listen to the different sounds vehicles make.  On Monday and Tuesday of this week we will be making something special for Mother’s Day!  On Wednesday & Thursday I will be taking the children to the Taylor County Highway Department to explore the various forms of transportation they have!  

Reminders & Updates:
*Transportation Field Trip: May 4th & 5th - WEAR OLD CLOTHES!
*Early Release Day:  Tuesday, May 17th (please send a note if your child should go somewhere other than their normal destination).
*Transitional Visit: The children will be visiting one of the
kindergarten classrooms on May 16th or 17th in preparation
for next year.
*No school: Monday, May 30th.
*Additional Field Trips: School Forest May 25th & 26th
  City Park: June 1st & 2nd
*Last day of Pre-K: Wed., June 1st OR Thurs., June 2nd
*Summer Birthdays: If your child has a birthday in the summer I will be
assigning them a day to celebrate before school is out.

Friday, April 22, 2016


This week our theme was “Oceans”.  We made a scuba diver, octopus & jellyfish.  We continued to work on placing the numbers 1-10 in order, rhyming, colors & shapes.  We also worked to retest any necessary skills before the end of the school year.
Next week our theme will continue to be “Oceans”.  We will make a starfish, ocean photo album, giant fish book and a classroom book about our favorite ocean animal.  We will continue to work on sorting, letter/sound recognition, number identification and 1:1 correspondence when counting.  The children will also have a substitute teacher in the classroom on Monday & Tuesday, as I will be proctoring the PALS test to each student.

Reminders & Updates:
*PALS state testing: Monday, April 25th & Tuesday,
May 26th  
*Transportation Field Trip: May 4th & 5th - WEAR OLD CLOTHES!
*Look for more information about upcoming field trips coming soon.  I will also be taking the children to the school forest and Medford City Park!
*Kindergarten Transition:  The children will be visiting one of the kindergarten classrooms on Monday, May 16th or Tuesday, May 17th.  This will give the children an opportunity to ask any questions they may have and to view the classrooms before next year.
*No school: Monday, May 30th.
*Last days of Pre-K: Wednesday, June 1st OR Thursday, June 2nd.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Spring Flowers & Seeds

This week our theme was “Spring Flowers & Seeds”.  We learned about spring and the children made tissue paper flowers and used finger paint to create spring flowers.  We learned about how a seed grows into a plant and what a plant needs to live.  Our letter for the week was Uu and we reviewed the number 9.  
Next week our theme will be “Oceans”.  We will make a scuba diver, submarine porthole, octopus and a jellyfish.  We will continue to practice placing the numbers 1-10 in numerical order and will review shapes, colors, patterns, identifying the letters in our names & rhyming.  Our letter for the week will be Bb and we will review the number 10.

Reminders & Updates:
* This week we celebrated the Week of the Young Child.  Be sure to ask you child about some of the fun things they were able to do this week!
*Spring Picture Day: Wed., April 20th.
*Early Release Day: Friday, April 22nd.
*State Testing (PALS) will take place on April 25th or 26th.  Please make every effort to have your child in school that day.
*Transportation Field Trip: May 4th & 5th.  We will be taking a trip to the Taylor County Highway Department to wrap up our transportation week.  Your child should wear old clothes and tennis shoes so that they are able to explore the equipment with ease.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


This week our theme was “Pets”.  We discussed how to take care of our pets and on Wednesday & Thursday our classes took a field trip to the Medford Veterinarian Clinic.  We also made a fish, a pattern snake and learned about how pets change and grow.  Our letter for the week was Xx and we reviewed the number 8.  The money brought in from our “Pennies For Pets” collection will be donated to the Taylor County Humane Society, a special thank you to all the participated! We currently have $100.00 and our collection ends Thursday, April 7th!
Next week our theme will be “Seeds & Spring Flowers”.  The children will be making tissue paper flowers and learning how plants grow.  We will also use finger paint to create spring flowers and journal about flowers in our April journal.  Our letter for the week will be Uu and we will review the number 9.  If your child is still struggling to identify the numbers please be sure to spend extra time on this skill to help get them caught up.

Reminders & Updates:
*Please take time to review your child’s report card and continue to practice any of the skills they may still be struggling with.
*Week of the Young Child:  April 10th – 16th.  Dress up days include:  Monday, April 11th - Crazy Sock Day
Tuesday, April 12th – Sports Day
Wednesday, April 13th – Stuffed Animal Day
Thursday, April 14th – Beach Day
*Spring Picture Day: Wed., April 20th  
*State Testing (PALS) will take place on April 25th or 26th.
Please make every effort to have your child in school that day.