Thursday, May 28, 2015

Bugs & Frogs

Well this is it, our last classroom newsletter for the school year!  It has really gone by fast but I’ve truly enjoyed everyday I was able to spend with your child.  I want to thank everyone for all the extra work they did at home.  You should be very proud of your child and all that they have accomplished this year!

We had a short week with no school on Monday.  On Tuesday we learned about Bugs & Frogs to go along with our theme for this week.  On Wednesday & Thursday we took a field trip to the school forest where we went on a bug hunt and nature hike.  The children all got to help look for and capture bugs, which we then examined up close.  Be sure to ask your child all about our trip!

During our final week of school we will work to get our room cleaned up and be sure that everything is sent home.  We will celebrate our year together by joining the MAES pre-k classes for an “End of the Year Picnic” in the Medford City Park.  All of the children will join together for a walk to the park where we will enjoy a picnic lunch (provided by our kitchen) and time to play and say goodbye to each other!

 Reminders & Updates:                                
       *Field Trip: I will be taking the children to the Medford City Park
on June 3rd & 4th.  Please dress your child in comfortable shoes and        clothing.
*Last Day of Class: June 3rd OR 4th.  Your child should bring their backpacks on the last day of school as well.

*Fair Projects: Each child will have a project in the Taylor County Fair so be sure to stop in and check it out this summer!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Caterpillars & Butterflies

This week our theme was “Butterflies & Caterpillars”.  The children made a patterned caterpillar, created a butterfly book, completed a butterfly’s life cycle and painted a caterpillar and butterfly.  We also went to visit the Kindergarten classrooms in preparation for next year.
Next week our theme will be “Bugs & Frogs”.  (Remember there is no school on Monday due to Memorial Day).  On Wednesday & Thursday we will take a hike in the school forest and go on a bug hunt (weather permitting) so please dress your child for a hike in the woods.  The children will be making a frog, a paint blot bug and playing a bug # matching game this week as well. 

 Reminders & Updates:                                
       *Don’t forget to sign up for summer school!
*FBI Petting Zoo: May 22nd @ MAES.
*No School: Monday, May 25th- Memorial Day
*School Forest:  We will take a trip to the School Forest on May
27th & 28th.  Please dress your child for the woods that day
including socks, tennis shoes, long pants, baseball caps, etc…  It
would also be a good idea to spray your child with bug spray
before school that day.
*End of the Year Celebration: Please dress your child in tennis
shoes for our walk to the Medford City Park on June 3rd & 4th.
 The kitchen will be providing lunch that day as well.

*Last Day of Class: June 3rd OR 4th.  Children should bring their backpacks, we will have a lot to bring home!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


This week our theme was the “Farm”.  We tore paper to make a cow, used beans to make a barn and drew pictures to create My Silly Animal Book.  On Wednesday & Thursday a calf came to visit us.  We got to pet it and feed it!  We learned about what it eats and got a yummy dairy snack of our own! 

Next week our theme will be “Butterflies & Caterpillars”.  The children will make a patterned caterpillar, create a butterfly book, complete a butterfly’s life cycle and paint a butterfly.  We will also be visiting the Kindergarten classrooms in preparation for next year. 

 Reminders & Updates:                                
*The last library class will be on May 26th.  All books must be returned before school is out.
*Kindergarten Visit: On May 18th & 19th we will be visiting the
Kindergarten classrooms.  We will meet the teachers and have a
chance to ask questions.  The kindergarten kids will show us
around the room in preparation for next year.
*No School: Monday, May 25th is Memorial Day.
*School Forest Field Trip: May 27th & 28th.  Your child should be
dress for hiking in the woods (no sandals).  Please spray them with bug spray before school that day.
*Last Day: June 3rd & 4th.  We will be bused up to MAES where we
will enjoy a walk to the park with all of the other pre-k students. 
At the park we will have time to play and eat a picnic lunch
(packed by our kitchen).  Please be sure you child is dress to play!

 (They will need their backpacks on the last day).

Monday, May 4, 2015

Transportation & Mother's Day

This week our theme was “Transportation & Mother’s Day”.  The children made a traffic light and learn what each colored light meant.  They also sorted transportation pictures, placed them on a graph and discuss the results.  We created a helicopter, cargo train and used our sense of hearing to play transportation BINGO as we listened to the different sounds vehicles make.  On Monday and Tuesday of this week the FFA students came to help us make lip-gloss for Mother’s Day.  On Wednesday and Thursday we took a field trip to the Taylor County Highway Department and got to explore the big equipment!  Be sure to ask your child about the kinds of transportation they saw!

Next week our theme will be the “Farm”.  We will be tearing paper to make a cow, using beans to make a barn and drawing pictures to create My Silly Animal Book.  On Wednesday & Thursday we will be taking a field trip to the farm.  We will split into smaller groups and tour the farm where we will learn all about the life of a farmer!  Please remember to wear old clothes/shoes and dress for the weather, as we will be outside for most of the morning.

 Reminders & Updates:   
*Farm Field Trip: May 13th & 14th - WEAR OLD CLOTHES!
*Early Release Day: Wednesday, May 13th please send a note if your child should go somewhere other than their normal drop off point.
*Transitional Visit: The children will be visiting one of the
Kindergarten classrooms on May 18th or 19th in preparation for
next year.
*Our last FBI event will be a petting zoo at MAES on Friday,
May 22nd.
*No school: Monday, May 25th.
*Field Trips: School Forest May 27th & 28th
                City Park: June 3rd & 4th

*Last day of Pre-K: Wednesday, June 3rd OR Thursday, June 4th.  Bring your backpacks on the last day!