Thursday, September 29, 2011

Week of September 26th

This week our theme was the “Five Senses”. The children learned about each of the five senses and our week included a ‘Five Senses Nature Hike’ through the woods behind SES!  (Be sure to check out the pictures from our hike under the Photos tab located at the top of the page).  We also continued to review shapes, colors and cutting on a line.  Our letter for the week was Yy. 

Next week our theme will be “Fire Safety”.  On Monday & Tuesday I will take the children to MASH for our first session of Science Buddies!  During the week we will also complete a fire safety book, paint a ‘fire dog’ (Dalmatian), create a fire scene and make firemen hats.  On Wednesday & Thursday the fire chief will visit us from the Stetsonville fire department.  The children will learn about the tools a firemen uses and what an emergency is.  They will learn how to stop, drop & roll and how to stay low in a smoke filled room.  Our letter for the week will be Ff.

Reminders & Updates:                          
*Parent/Teacher Conferences: Mon. Oct. 17th from 12:00-8:00.  Please return your confirmation slip ASAP!  Each conference is only 10 minutes long in order to meet with all 35 families.  Please remember to be on time and know that you do NOT need to bring you child.
*As our days grow colder you will need to send a jacket with your child each day.
*The CLC after school program is open to Pre-K students.
*No School: Thursday, Oct. 27th & Friday, Oct. 28th
* SES Pre-K Christmas Programs: Wed, Dec. 21st OR Thurs. Dec. 22nd.  Programs will be in the library and will begin at 9:30.  You are welcome to take your child home after the program.  
*Remember to was and return your child’s pillow and blanket for naptime.

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