Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Week of November 28th

This week our theme was ‘Winter Clothing’.  The children brought home a mitten memory game to play with their families.  We also used our winter clothing to work on sorting, matching, classifying, graphing, colors and counting!  Our letter for the week was Ww and we learned about the numbers 8 & 9. 

Next week our theme will be ‘Christmas Trees & Cookies’.  The children will make a shape-cookie book, finger-paint a Christmas wreath and create a gingerbread man.  We will also work on counting, 1-to-1 correspondence (touching each object as you count it) and practicing our Christmas songs!  Our letter for the week will be Cc and we will learn about the number 10.

 Reminders & Updates:                                    
*Gift Exchange:  In order to participate in our gift exchange your child needs to bring a $5.00 gift before our party on Dec. 21st/22nd.  Girls should bring a ‘girl gift’ & boys should bring a ‘boy gift’. 
*Christmas Programs: Held in the library at 9:30 on Dec. 21st or Dec. 22nd.  Please return the permission slip so you don’t need to sign your child out when taking them home after the program. 
*Your child SHOULD bring their backpack on the date of the x-mas program but will NOT need snow pants or boots, as we will not be going outside.
*Christmas Vacation:  No school Dec. 23rd-Jan. 2nd.
*When dropping your child off in the morning please remember to let them bring their things in and put them away on their own.  A large part of pre-k is building independence and self help skills.
*Cute Pictures: Many of the children still do not have a picture to use for our project.  Please remember to send one ASAP.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


This week our theme was “Thanksgiving”.  The children made goofy turkeys, a turkey book and finger painted a pumpkin.  We also worked on position words, name printing and played a game to help us review the colors & letters we’ve already learned.  We learned about the numbers 5 & 6 and our letter for the week was Tt. 

Next week our theme will continue to be “Thanksgiving”.  We will enjoy a special Thanksgiving snack, play games and use our ‘Cute Pictures’ from home for a special project!  (This is a short week so I won’t be sending another classroom newsletter home next week).  When class resumes after Thanksgiving break our theme will be Winter Clothes, we will learn the numbers 8 & 9 and our letter will be Ww.

 Reminders & Updates:                                
*Send a cute 4x6 picture of your child any time before Nov. 22nd or 23rd.  Please remember that it needs to be taken “the short way” for our project.
*Thanksgiving Vacation: No School Nov. 23rd-25th.
*Pre-K Christmas Program: Wed, Dec. 21st OR Tues, Dec. 22nd
at 9:30 in the Library, you may take your child home with you after their program.
*Remember that books make a wonderful Christmas gift.  If you decide to order from our next Scholastic book order please make a note if your order is a gift and I can place it in a bag so your child can not see it.
*We play outside three times each day.  Please send warm winter mittens (NOT finger mittens) to ensure your child stays warm and has fun!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Week of November 7th

This week our theme was “Thanksgiving & Scarecrows”.  The children made turkeys, Thanksgiving placemats & scarecrows.  We talked about what we are thankful for and also worked on name printing, number identification, counting, colors and patterns.  We learned about the numbers 3 & 4 and our letter for the week was Hh.

Next week our theme will be “Thanksgiving”.  The children will be making goofy turkeys and finger painting a pumpkin.  We will also work on position words, colors, name printing and we’ll play a game to help us review the letters we’ve already learned.  We will learn the numbers 5 & 6 and our letter for the week will be Tt.

 Reminders & Updates:                                    
*If you still have not completed your family’s turkey feather please take time to do so and return it to school so it can be added to our classroom turkey.
*Send a cute 4x6 picture of your child any time before Nov. 21st or 22nd.  The picture should be in the landscape format (side-ways).
*Thanksgiving Vacation: No School Nov. 23rd- 25th.
*Please make sure you are sending your child to school with hats, mittens and warm coats.  Remember that we play outside three times a day.
*It’s great to see all of the kids that know the letter & numbers we’ll be working on for the week.  All of your extra work at home is really paying off!  A special thanks to all of you that take the time to work with your child and complete the homework each week!