Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Vacation

Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
I hope everyone enjoyed our Christmas programs and the gifts the children made for you!
Happy Holidays from Mrs. Amanda, Santa & Mrs. Claus!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Week of December 12th

This week our theme was ‘Christmas’.  The children made reindeer, Christmas lights and worked on some special projects in preparation for your visit on the 21st/22nd!  We also continued to work on counting, number identification and singing Christmas songs!  Our letter for the week was Ii.
Please remember that I do my best to update my classroom blog weekly!  You can view our classroom news letter, see pictures of your child, view projects we’ve made, check out photos from some of our FBI events, find on-line games for your child to play and check your child’s report card with the Family Access Log-in link!

Next week our theme will continue be ‘Christmas’.  We will start the week by playing Christmas games and lacing a candy cane.  Then on Wed. & Thurs. each class will have a Christmas party (please be sure your child has brought a gift so they can participate in the gift exchange).  Following that our Christmas program will be held in the library at 9:30.  (The children are REALLY excited and looking forward to your visit.  Thank you for helping us make this a special day)!  After the program you are invited back to the classroom for cookies, punch and a surprise!  You are welcome to take your child home at any time following the program. 
For those of you planning to:
 Take your child home: you will NOT need to send snow pants or boots as we won’t have time to go outside. 
Have your child stay at school: you will need to send snow pants and boots, as we will continue with our regular schedule for the remainder of the day and watch a movie.
*All children will need backpacks on the day of the program.
 Reminders & Updates:                                    
*Christmas Vacation:  No school Dec. 23rd-Jan. 2nd.  (When the 
children return our theme will be “Snowmen & Snow”and our letter 
will be Ss).
*Remember to send 3 pair of warm winter mittens to school so your child has warm, dry hands for each recess.  (Finger mittens are not warm enough).

Monday, December 5, 2011

Week of December 5th

This week our theme was ‘Christmas Trees & Cookies’.  The children made a shape-cookie book, finger-painted a Christmas wreath and created a gingerbread man.  We also worked on counting, 1-to-1 correspondence and we practiced our Christmas songs!  We had our vision screen on Mon/Tues and our letter for the week was Cc.  We also and about the number 10 and will be reviewing the numbers again shortly. 

Next week our theme will be ‘Christmas’.  The children will be working on a variety of Christmas projects this week…most of them are a secret so you will just have to wait and see what we’re up to!  I can mention that we will be making reindeer and Christmas lights.  We will also continue to work on counting, number identification and singing Christmas songs!  Our letter for the week will be Ii.

 Reminders & Updates:                                    
*Gift Exchange:  Your child should bring a $5.00 gift before our party on Dec. 21st/22nd.  Feel free to send your gifts in at any time so we can place them under our tree! 
*Christmas Programs: Held in the library at 9:30 on Dec. 21st or Dec. 22nd.  This is a very important day for your child so please make every effort to attend.  You are invited to our classroom after the program for cookies and punch and can take your child home with you at any time.
*Your child SHOULD bring their backpack on the date of the x-mas program but will NOT need snow pants or boots, as we will not be going outside.
*Christmas Vacation:  No school Dec. 23rd-Jan. 2nd.
*I would also like to take this opportunity to inform those of you that don’t already know, my due date is March 10th & I am having a baby boy.  Kris Zuleger has agreed to be my sub and will be in to meet the children as the date approaches.