This week our
theme continued to be ‘Dinosaurs’.
We enjoyed our field trip to the Broadway Theater to see Ice Age:
Dawn of the Dinosaurs! We also
made a classroom book about dinosaurs and created a dinosaur’s skeleton. We
reviewed the numbers 8 & 9 and our letter for the week was Oo.
Next week our
theme will be ‘Dental Health & Nutrition’. We will discuss healthy food vs. ‘sometimes’ foods and how
to make healthy choices. We will
talk about proper hygiene, exercise and how to take care of our teeth. The children will write in their
journals about their favorite healthy snacks and make a tooth puppet! We will review the number 10 and our
letter for the week will be Xx.
Reminders & Updates:
Day Party: Feb. 13th OR Feb. 14th.
*No School: Friday, Feb. 15th
*Early Release Day: Feb. 19th.
*Please wash and
return your child’s bedding for rest time.
*Our Valentine’s
Day cardholders are finished so your child can bring his/her Valentine’s in at
any time now before our party.
Remember that treats must be wrapped.