Friday, December 20, 2013


This week our theme was “Christmas”.  On Monday we had fun playing Christmas games and lacing a candy cane as we enjoyed our last days together before break!  Thank you to everyone for coming to our Christmas program and helping to make this a special day for your child!  I hope you like the gifts we made for you and enjoy your time together over Christmas vacation! 

 When we come back from vacation on Jan. 2nd our Tuesday, Thursday group will have 1 day of school while our Monday, Wednesday group will not return until Jan. 6th.  During our first full week our theme will be “Winter Clothes”.  Your child’s completed winter hat (family project) will be added to a classroom book that will be shared with each family.  We will also work on sorting, counting, colors, matching and graphing. 
 Reminders & Updates:                                
*Christmas Vacation:  No school Dec. 23rd-Jan. 1st.
*After the Christmas festivities die down please remember that your child can access the Reading Eggs program (if you have the Internet available to you) from home.  You can also use that time to review and practice any of the Pre-K skills your child may be struggling with.
      *Wash & return your child’s nap bedding after break.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


This week our theme was ‘Christmas Trees & Cookies’.  The children made a shape-cookie book, finger-painted a Christmas wreath and created a gingerbread man.  We also worked on counting, 1-to-1 correspondence and we practiced our Christmas songs!  We learned about the number 10 and will be reviewing the numbers again shortly.  Our letter for the week was Cc.  

Next week our theme will be ‘Christmas’.  The children will be working on a variety of Christmas projects this week…most of them are a secret so you will just have to wait and see what we’re up to!  I can mention that we will be making reindeer and Christmas lights.  We will also continue to work on counting, number identification and singing Christmas songs!  Our letter for the week will be Ii.

 Reminders & Updates:                                

*Gift Exchange:  Your child should bring a $5.00 gift before our party on Dec. 18th/19th.  Feel free to send your gifts in at any time so we can place them under our tree! 
*Christmas Programs: Held in the library at 9:30 on Dec. 18th or Dec. 19th.  This is a very important day for your child so please make every effort to attend.  All relatives are welcome, the more the merrier!  You are invited to our classroom after the program for cookies and punch and can take your child home with you at any time.  Please return your permission slips as soon as possible.
*Your child SHOULD bring their backpack on the date of the x-mas program but will NOT need snow pants or boots, as we will not be going outside and they will be going home early.

*Christmas Vacation:  No school Dec. 23rd-Jan. 1st.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Christmas Trees & Cookies

This week our theme was ‘Christmas Trees & Cookies’.  The children made a shape-cookie book, finger-painted a Christmas wreath and created a gingerbread man.  We also worked on counting, 1-to-1 correspondence and we practiced our Christmas songs!  We learned about the number 10 and will be reviewing the numbers again shortly.  Our letter for the week was Cc.  

Next week our theme will be ‘Christmas’.  The children will be working on a variety of Christmas projects this week…most of them are a secret so you will just have to wait and see what we’re up to!  I can mention that we will be making reindeer and Christmas lights.  We will also continue to work on counting, number identification and singing Christmas songs!  Our letter for the week will be Ii.

 Reminders & Updates:                                
*Gift Exchange:  Your child should bring a $5.00 gift before our party on Dec. 18th/19th.  Feel free to send your gifts in at any time so we can place them under our tree! 
*Christmas Programs: Held in the library at 9:30 on Dec. 18th or Dec. 19th.  This is a very important day for your child so please make every effort to attend.  All relatives are welcome, the more the merrier!  You are invited to our classroom after the program for cookies and punch and can take your child home with you at any time.  Please return your permission slips as soon as possible.
*Your child SHOULD bring their backpack on the date of the x-mas program but will NOT need snow pants or boots, as we will not be going outside and they will be going home early.

*Christmas Vacation:  No school Dec. 23rd-Jan. 1st.