Well this is it,
our last classroom newsletter for the school year! It has really gone by fast but I’ve truly
enjoyed everyday I was able to spend with your child. I want to thank everyone for all the extra
work they did at home. You should be
very proud of your child and all that they have accomplished this year!
We had a short
week with no school on Monday. On
Tuesday we learned about Bugs & Frogs to go along with our theme for this
week. On Wednesday & Thursday we
took a field trip to the school forest where we went on a bug hunt and nature
hike. The children all got to help look
for and capture bugs, which we then examined up close. Be sure to ask your child all about our trip!
During our final
week of school we will work to get our room cleaned up and be sure that
everything is sent home. We will
celebrate our year together by joining the MAES pre-k classes for an “End of
the Year Picnic” in the Medford City Park.
All of the children will join together for a walk to the park where we
will enjoy a picnic lunch (provided by our kitchen) and time to play and say
goodbye to each other!
Reminders & Updates:
Trip: I will be taking the children to the Medford City Park
on June 3rd
& 4th. Please dress your
child in comfortable shoes and clothing.
*Last Day of
Class: June 3rd OR 4th.
Your child should bring their
backpacks on the last day of school as well.
Projects: Each child will have a project in the Taylor County Fair so be
sure to stop in and check it out this summer!