Thursday, March 31, 2016

Easter & Spring

This week our theme was “Spring & Easter”.  The children made bunny headbands, an egg number line, a chick hatching from an egg and journaled about their Easter baskets.  We continued to practice name printing and number identification.  Our letter for the week was Ee and we reviewed the number 8.
Next week our theme will be “Pets”.  We will discuss how animals grow, how to take care of our pets and what kinds of animal’s people keep as pets.  We will be making a pattern snake and painting a fish.  On Wednesday and Thursday our classes will be taking a field trip to the Medford Veterinarian Clinic.  Our letter for the week will be Xx and we will review the number 8.  Report cards will also come home this week, please be sure to practice any necessary skills with your child.

Reminders & Updates:
*Field Trip: Medford Vet Clinic on April 6th & 7th.
*The “Pennies For Pets” Collection will continue through Thursday, April 7th. So far we have collected almost $66.00 which will be donated to the Taylor County Humane Society! 
*Taylor County will celebrate the Week of the Young Child, April 11th–15th.  We have special activities and dress-up days planned in school for that week.  More information will be sent home in the coming days.
*Spring Picture Day: Wed., April 20th (if your child
does not attend school that day and you wish to
have their picture taken you will need to bring them to school that morning).

Thursday, March 17, 2016

St. Patrick's Day

This week our theme was “St. Patrick’s Day”.  The children made leprechauns, pots of gold & rainbows.  We also worked on number identification, same vs. different, rhyming and name printing.  Our letter for the week was Qq and we reviewed the number 6.
Next week our theme will be the “Spring & Easter”.  The children will be making chick windsocks, pussy willow vases & using watercolor paint to make an Easter egg.  Our letter for the week will be Ee and we will review the number 7.

Reminders & Updates:
*No School/Easter Vacation: Friday, March 25th thru Tuesday, March 29th.  Class resumes Wednesday, March 30th.
*Field Trip: Medford Vet Clinic on April 6th & 7th.  We will be collecting “Pennies For Pets” up until the date of our trip.  Any money you would like to donate will go to the Taylor County Humane Society.
*Spring Picture Day: Wed., April 20th (if your child does not attend school that day and you wish to have their picture taken you will need to bring them to school that morning).
*As spring weather continues to approach (hopefully) remember to watch the weather and have your child bring the appropriate outside clothing.  Continue to send water boots, hats, mittens (uninsulated are fine) and jackets to school each day.  If it would happen to snow again then your child will also need snow pants.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Dr. Seuss & Rhyming

This week our theme was “Dr. Seuss & Rhyming”.  We continued to work with rhyming words as we read some Dr. Seuss books.  The children made the Cat in the Hat, painted a One-Fish Two-Fish bowl, made the Cat in the Hat hats and played a variety of rhyming games.  Our letter for the week was Rr and we reviewed the number 4.  If your child continues to struggle with the concept of rhyming please continue to practice this skill at home, let them hear those rhyming words as often as possible!

Next week our theme will be the “Zoo”.  We will be learning about a variety of zoo animals and the children will be making a giraffe, monkey, tiger and a zebra.  The children will also create a classroom book about what animals they might see at the zoo.  We will work on putting the numbers 1-10 in order and will use our sense of hearing to play an animal sounds game.  Our letter for the week will be Zz and we will review the number 5.
Reminders & Updates:  
*Family Project: Rhyming Charts due back to school by March 8th.
*FBI Swimming Event:  Friday, March 18th at the MASH pool for those that have signed up.
*No School - Easter Break: Friday, March 25th through Tuesday, March 29th.  Class resumes on March 30th.
*Please remember that taking time to help your child complete homework reinforces what they are learning at school and gives them additional practice on skills they may be struggling with.