Thursday, September 26, 2013

Five Senses

This week our theme was the “Five Senses”. The children learned about each of the five senses and our week included a ‘Five Senses Nature Hike’ through the woods behind SES!  We also continued to review shapes, colors and cutting on a line.  Our letter for the week was Yy.  

Next week our theme will be “Fire Safety”.  During the week we will complete a fire safety book, paint a ‘fire dog’ (Dalmatian), create a fire scene and make firemen hats.  On Wednesday & Thursday the fire chief will visit us from the Stetsonville fire department.  The children will learn about the tools a firemen uses and what an emergency is.  They will learn how to stop, drop & roll and how to stay low in a smoke filled room.  Our letter for the week will be Ff.
Reminders & Updates:                        
*As our days grow colder please remember that we go outside for recess everyday.  Make sure your child has the appropriate clothing to play outside.
*Parent/Teacher Conferences: Mon. Oct. 14th from 12:00-8:00
*Child Development Days: There are no Pre-K classes on Thursday, Oct. 17th due to Child Development Days, please plan accordingly.
*Halloween Party: Wed., Oct. 30th OR Thurs., Oct. 31st (more info. will follow as we get closer to the date).
* SES Pre-K Christmas Programs: Wed, Dec. 18th OR Thurs. Dec. 19th.  Programs will be held in the library and will begin at 9:30.  We will enjoy cookies & punch in our classroom and then you are welcome to take your child home after the program.   This is a very important day for your child so please be sure that someone is able to attend.

*Remember to wash and return your child’s pillow and blanket for naptime.

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