Wednesday, December 10, 2014


This week our theme was “Christmas”.  The children made reindeer, Christmas lights and worked on some special projects in preparation for your visit on the 22nd/23rd!  We also continued to work on counting, name printing, number identification, patterns and singing Christmas songs!  Our letter for the week was Ii.

Over the next 2 weeks our theme will continue be “Christmas”.  We will be playing Christmas games, lacing a candy cane, making a snowman, painting a winter scene and making an ornament.  Our week will be filled with Christmas program preparation!  Then on the 22nd & 23rd each class will have a Christmas party right away in the morning (please be sure your child has brought a gift so they can participate in the gift exchange).  Our Christmas program will be held in the library at 9:30.  The children are REALLY excited and looking forward to your visit.  Thank you for helping us make this a special day!  After the program you are invited back to the classroom for cookies, punch and a special Christmas surprise!  You are welcome to take your child home at any time following the program.  (If your child will be going home with you they do not need to bring boots or snow pants, as we will not be going outside before the program.  However, they will still need to bring their backpacks, as we will have a lot to bring home before Christmas vacation).

 Reminders & Updates:                              

*Christmas Program:  If for some reason you can not attend the
program PLEASE let me know as I do not want your child to be
sitting here by themselves while everyone else enjoys the
festivities.  If I know ahead of time I can make arrangements for
one of our assistants to join your child.  I can not stress enough
what an important day this is to your child so please make every
effort to have someone here for them! 
*Christmas Vacation:  No school Dec. 24th-Jan. 2nd.
 *Remember to send warm/insulated winter mittens to
school so your child has warm, dry hands for each recess.  (Finger

mittens are not enough at this time of year).

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