Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Dr. Seuss and Rhyming

This week our theme was “Dr. Seuss & Rhyming”.  We continued to work with rhyming words as we read some Dr. Seuss books.  The children made the Cat in the Hat, painted a One-Fish Two-Fish bowl, made the Cat in the Hat hats and played a variety of rhyming games.  Our letter for the week was Rr and we reviewed the number 4.
Next week our theme will be the “Zoo”.  We will be learning about a variety of zoo animals and the children will be making a giraffe, monkey, tiger and a zebra.  The children will also create a classroom book about what animals they might see at the zoo.  We will work on putting the numbers 1-10 in order and will use our sense of hearing to play an animal sounds game.  Our letter for the week will be Zz and we will review the number 5.
 Reminders & Updates:                 
*Family Project: Rhyming Charts due back to school by March 10th.
*FBI Swimming Event:  Friday, March 20th at the MASH pool for those that have signed up.
*Early Release: Tuesday, March 17th.  Please send a note if your child should go somewhere different from their regular schedule.

*Please remember that taking time to help your child complete homework reinforces what they are learning at school and gives them additional practice on skills they may be struggling with.

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