This week our theme was “Christmas Trees & Cookies”. The children made a shape-cookie book, finger-painted a Christmas wreath and created a gingerbread man. We also worked on counting, 1-to-1 correspondence (touching while counting each item) and we practiced our Christmas songs! We learned about the number 5 and our letter for the week was Cc.
Next week our theme will be “Christmas”. The children will be working on a variety of Christmas projects this week…most of them are a secret so you will just have to wait and see what we’re up to! I can mention that we will be making reindeer and Christmas lights. We will also continue to work on counting, number identification and singing Christmas songs! Our letter for the week will be Ii.
Reminders & Updates:
*Christmas Giving Tree: Our donations will be dropped off at the St. Paul’s church on Friday, December 4th. A special thank you to all who participated!
*Dressing for Winter: Please remember that your child needs to have snow pants (when snow is on the ground) jackets, boots, hats and winter mittens for school each day. These items can not be left at school as we share the cubbies and wet items need to be hung up to dry each night.
*Christmas Programs: Held in the library at 9:30 on Dec. 21st or Dec. 22nd. This is a very important day for your child so please make every effort to attend. All relatives are welcome, the more the merrier! You are invited to our classroom after the program for cookies and punch and can take your child home with you at any time. Please return your permission slips as soon as possible.
*Your child SHOULD bring their backpack on the date of the x-mas program but will NOT need snow pants or boots, as we will not be going outside and they will be going home early.
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