Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Week of 4-26-11

This week our theme was ‘Transportation’.  We worked on classification, sorting, identifying the letters in our name, colors and using a glue bottle correctly.  The children made a traffic light and learned what each colored light meant.  We also sorted transportation pictures, placed them on a graph and discussed the results.  On Tuesday and Wednesday we took a field trip to the Taylor County Highway Department and got to explore the big equipment that they have!   We had a short week with no school on Monday & an Early Release day on Thursday.

Next week our theme will be ‘Oceans’.  We will be making a scuba diver, jelly fish and placing fish (1-10) in order correctly.  During the week we will also be doing some testing/retesting before the end of the school year.  Please continue to work with your child on any skills they may still struggle with.  On Wednesday & Thursday the Taylor County Health Dept will be back for our final round of fluoride varnishes.  We will also have a special visit from some high school FFA students who will be helping us complete a project for Mother’s Day!

 Reminders & Updates:                     
*SES will be having an aluminum can drive during the month of May.  (Watch for more information).
*Spring Picture Days: Wed., April 27th OR Thurs., May 5th
*Early Release Day: Thursday, April 28th
*Farm Field Trip: April 16th & 17th
*Early Release: Thursday, May 19th

1 comment:

  1. Ben enjoyed showing me the pictures from the trip to the highway dept. and the vet as well! Love to see what the kids are doing!
